Leave of Absence FAQs - Medical or Health Related

I have to take a Leave of Absence for health reasons, what do I do now?

Students leaving the University to attend to a health-related condition sufficient to warrant time away from the University may qualify for a medical leave. For information about the policies and procedures required for medical leaves of absence, please contact the Office of Student Assistance at 315-443-4357.

Special refund considerations for tuition only are extended to students granted a leave of absence for medical reasons. To qualify, the student must submit medical documentation to the appropriate Health and Wellness unit from a qualified medical practitioner within 60 days of the effective date of the leave. Tuition adjustments for medical leaves, excluding the administrative fee of $100.00, will be based on the effective date of the leave and will be prorated using the total number of class days in the period of enrollment as the base number for the daily calculation.

Please contact Bursar Operations at 315-443-2444 or by email at bursar@syr.edu to determine the specific adjustment as it relates to your account.