Using the Enterprise Support Team Calendar:

Information Types:

The EST calendar contains schedule information for the following environments:

-        PeopleSoft environment patch cycles, upgrades, and scheduled maintenance work

o   HR = Human Resources – in BLUE

o   SA = Student Admin – in ORANGE

o   PTL = Portal – in GREEN

o   FN = Financials – in RED

o   Peopletools – In GREY

-        Database (Oracle) patch cycles, upgrades, and scheduled maintenance

o   DBA – in YELLOW

-        Other unique scheduled events/applications that EST is responsible for – downtime and maintenance work



Information will be updated continuously as it is available. Only the EST and DBA can update the calendar, please report any problems with the calendar dates to the appropriate team.

Non-time critical events will be listed with block time equal to entire days. Only time-critical events will be listed with start and end times.
For example: “Stage Patches” is a 2 day long process, but the start and end times are not critical, therefore it will be listed as a 2 full-day event. “Signoff GRPxxx due at noon” is an event that has a time, therefore will be listed with the appropriate time. “HR GRPxxx to RT 8:00am – 12:00pm” has a time window, and will be shown as such.

Events with undetermined timeframes will be listed as a full day time block – for example “Upgrade Application XXX” may have no particular time, but will happen on a given day. This will be listed as a full day block


Viewing information:

The default view when you first add the calendar will be the Month view, which gives a good overview of the upcoming events:


As an event approaches, or to get a more fine-grained view, you may wish to switch to weekly view – simply click on the View tab, then “Week”

In this view, all-day (or indeterminate) events are listed at the top, and events with a time are shown on the time scale – on the day they happen:

Hovering your mouse cursor over an event (after clicking on it) will give you the event information quick view:

While double clicking on the event will show the complete event information, including any comments:


When viewing the calendar, in Month or Week view– if there are too many events to “fit” in the box Outlook will NOT show them all, instead inserting a “Arrow” at the bottom. You MUST click on this to see all the events if that arrow shows. This can apply to any view, at any time. Clicking on the arrow will take you to “day view” for that day, where you can scroll the timeline down to see additional events.


Filtering events to display only one or more categories:

It is possible to filter events by category – for example to show only HR related events. Or show only HR and SA.

To enable color / category filtering:

Click the view tab in outlook, then select “View Settings”

Click on Filter in the menu box:

Click on More Choices tab at the top, then Categories in the selection box:

Check the colors of the categories you are interested in seeing – the rest will be filtered out. In this case we want HR and SA, so we choose Orange and Blue:

(NOTE: DO NOT change the colors assigned to these categories – leave that right hand part of the window alone, or you will get very confused!!)

Click OK:

NOTE: The first time you select any of these colors in the category chooser, and click OK, it may ask you if you want to rename them or change the color. DO NOT DO RENAME OR CHANGE. Simply click OK and leave the defaults.

Once you have selected the filters, OK your way back out and you will see ONLY the calendar categories you selected – in this case Blue and Orange: (HR and SA)

(Note the green, yellow etc. are now gone)


To CLEAR these filters (and show everything again) – follow the instructions above, but when you get to the categories, un-check ALL colors, the click OK back out.

The calendar will now display all categories again.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Filters are applied globally within Outlook – so your own PERSONAL calendar and any other calendars you have will also be filtered based on the categories you selected. Be sure to CLEAR filters when you are done working with them or you will wonder where most of your other calendar items went!